Yifan Shi
Yifan is an MPH candidate in Epidemiology at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, with a Certificate in Health of an Aging Society. Currently, she is working with Dr. Belsky and Dr. Yuan Zhang on the English Longitudinal Study of Aging dataset to quantify the pace of biological aging, and test how accelerated biological aging may predispose to cognitive decline and increased dementia risk.
Yifan graduated from the National University of Singapore with a major in Food Science and Technology, and minors in Public Health and Geosciences. She is deeply interested in aging, health equity, and health policy. Her research is driven by a commitment to understanding and addressing health disparities, particularly as they affect aging populations.
In her free time, Yifan enjoys windsurfing and photography.
Contact at ys3766@cumc.columbia.edu
APEx Poster Presentation
"Developing a Dataset to Measure Pace of Aging in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing"