Our Resources

  • Person writing code on their computer


    Developed by David Corcoran. Package allows users to compute the DunedinPACE DNA methylation measure of the Pace of Aging using Illumina 450k or EPIC array data (Belsky et al. 2022 eLife)

  • Person writing code on their laptop


    Developed by Dayoon Kwon. Package allows users to develop and evaluate measures of biological age and data from the US NHANES to apply novel and published biological age algorithms in user-supplied data (Kwon et al. 2021 Geroscience)

  • Person writing code on their laptop


    Developed by David Corcoran. Package allows users to compute the DunedinPoAm DNA methylation measure of the Pace of Aging using Illumina 450k or EPIC array data (Belsky et al. 2020 eLife)



Quantification of Biological Aging

University of Georgia, Athens, Center for Family Research


When Does Aging Begin?

Gerontological Society of America Webinar featuring guests Ron Kohanski and Vadim Gladyshev


Life Course Perspectives on Aging: Early Life Determinants of Midlife Function and Health

AFAR/NIA RCCN Workshop Life Course Perspectives on Aging


Testing Modification of Biological Aging in the CALERIE Randomized Trial

Tufts University Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging


Social, Psychological, and Environmental Drivers of Aging

Targeting Metabesity 2020


How Genetics Affect the Outcomes of Children

Jacobs Foundation BOLD Blog


Testing Health Disparities in Cognitive and Biological Aging

Duke University Social Science Research Institute, Biodemography of Aging Research Unit