Ibnath Fariha

Ibnath Fariha is an MS in Epidemiology candidate at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. She is currently working on analyzing and compiling data for the CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) study , which examines the development and determinants of cardiovascular disease risk factors from young adulthood into middle age.

She graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a major in Neuroscience. Throughout her academic journey, she has cultivated a strong interest in aging population health and preventive medicine. Ibnath aspires to attend medical school, where she hopes to integrate clinical practice with epidemiological research to enhance healthcare access and outcomes.

Beyond her academic and professional pursuits, she enjoys traveling and immersing herself in different cultures. She also loves exploring NYC, discovering new restaurants, and experiencing all that the city has to offer.

Feel free to contact her at if2333@cumc.columbia.edu.